LAB rekomenduoja: knygos anglų kalba

Lavink anglų kalbos žinias skaitydamas garsines knygas!
Šį kartą #LABrekomenduoja knygas, kurios pradžiugins fantastikos ir superherojų mylėtojus, o ypač – Marvel komiksų gerbėjus!
Beje, jei ELVIS nerandi norimos knygos užsienio kalba, siųsk užklausą el. p. (nurodyk konkrečią knygą bei kalbą), ir mes parsiųsime leidinius iš Pasaulinės knygų prieinamais formatais bibliotekos (ABC)!
Žemiau – garsinių knygų anglų kalba rekomendacijos, angliškai.
Alexander Irvine „Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars“. Unwillingly zapped across the universe by the powerful Beyonder, the Avengers, Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four, and the X-Men learn that they must fight their deadliest foes on the mysterious planet Battleworld – with the winner promised the ultimate prize.
Michael A. Stackpole „Star Wars“. Books four through six in the series, written in 1997-98. In The Bacta War, a tyrant intends to use medicinal bacta to destabilize the New Republic, and Rogue Squadron must stop her.
Peter David „Astonishing X-men“. The world has discovered that mutants exist, and the general public's fear of the unknown prompts demand that mutants be cured. But the X-Men have plans to defend themselves and others who share their extraordinary differences.
Alexander Irvine „X-men“. Kitty Pryde travels into the past to warn her fellow X-Men about the Sentinel robots who are hunting mutants to extinction. Simultaneously in the future, she and the remaining X-Men fight to prevent a nuclear attack that no one will survive.
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